Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Wednesday, May 19, 2010
chinese introduction
This is room 7s chinese introduction each person in room 7 had to say hello my name is, their phone number and good bye. This is what i thought of mine. My Chinese introduction was ok because I didn't need to look at the script I think I could have done a bit better by looking at the camera rather than looking some where else. I think that my fluency was good because we have only been learning chinese for about 6 or 7 weeks.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
S.a.m.s learner T-shirt
In room 7 miss thopmson is coming into our class room and taking us for a lesson about what a s.a.m.s learner is. So we were set the task of making our own T-shirt and designing them. They had to have on the what we think that we do best to be a s.a.m.s learner. On mine I have the sunshine because I think creativly, for the world i am an explorer so i ask questions in calss, for the question mark I like to know things, and for the stick figure I listen well to others ideas as well as sharing my own.